August Newsletter
Welcome to Spilling The Tea on LGBTQ+ Finances, a financial newsletter and blog on topics related to LGBTQ+ money. I hope you had a wonderful summer, were able to enjoy Pride festivities, and are looking forward to cooler fall weather.
Marriage & Family
From CNBC: 40% of millennials and Gen Zers think marriage is outdated—but ‘it’s important to be realistic’ about the financial benefits, says CFP
If you have a committed partner and aren’t sure whether or not to get married for financial reasons, you can start by asking yourself the following questions... Read on...(and yes, I’m that CFP)
3 steps for combining finances with your partner: ‘It can be scary, but there are things you should know’
No matter where you are in your relationship, you should likely be having regular financial conversations with your partner to make sure the two of you are on the same page when it comes to money. Here’s how to broach the subject, whether you’ve been dating a few months or are ready to tie the knot. Read on...
Queer parenthood explored: A transparent dive into surrogacy and hope
Michael and Matthew’s podcast “Who’s Your Daddy?” features candid conversations about their journey to parenthood. Read on...
Retirement Readiness
From Nerdwallet: 4 LGBTQ+ Retirement hurdles (and what to do about them)
In many ways, retirement planning for someone in the LGBTQ+ community is the same as anyone else’s retirement planning: save more, spend less, invest for the long term. But for LGBTQ+ people, there are unique challenges. Read on...
Elder Issues
Advice on aging for the senior LGBTQ+ community
Who will care for us when we need it? How and where can we find housing, medical and support services that respect us, or where we at least will not experience discrimination? Many of us have experienced situations with organizations or care providers that welcome us, but don’t exactly understand the experience of being LGBTQ+. Some organizations have recognized this, and are focusing attention on the needs of older LGBTQ+ adults. We will highlight three of those. (Thank you, QNotes, for allowing me to contribute this article) Read on...
Trans adults worried about finding welcoming spaces to live in their later years
The wave of anti-trans legislation is impacting trans adults and elders, restricting their ability to find affirming care. It’s also stripping them of protections from harassment in care facilities and senior housing. Read on...
Small Business
Federal Financial Agency Now Requires Collection of LGBTQ Data
LGBTQ+ business owners now have the option of self-identifying on applications for small business loans, for the purpose of enforcing fair lending laws. Read on...
On a personal note
The murder of Laura Ann Carleton over her display of a Pride Flag in front of her business left me feeling completely gutted. She deserved a full life, not to have it ended, resulting from the hatred and bigotry of a gunman. My heart goes out to her family. Like many gay business owners, my resolve to support and serve my community has only grown stronger.
Spilling The Tea on LGBTQ+ Finances is a financial newsletter and blog on topics related to LGBTQ+ money by Frank Summers, Certified Financial Planner™ and Accredited Domestic Partner Advisor™. I work with clients across the US, and am physically located in Charlotte, NC. Have a question or topic for Spilling the Tea? Let me know at frank.summers@ceterainvestors.com or 704-459-4646. I’d love to hear your feedback.
#SpillTheTeaonLGBTFinances #LGBTMoney #LGBTQMoney